Sunday, April 6, 2014


"This is an island", a found poem from William Goldings Lord of the Flies from pages 5-28

The ground beneath them was a bank covered in course grass,
 of all shades and shadowy green and purple.
Skull-like coco-nuts with green shadows from the palms now plunging through darkness.
Palm-fronds would whisper as raindrops fell pattering.
Now the forest stirred, roared and flailed.
Clouds of birds rose from the tree top,
their green feathers were hundred feet up in the air.
They stood on the top, and could see the open sea,
blue of all shades,
bright with the efflorescence of tropical weed and coral.
The water was warmer than his blood beneath the haze of heat.
Little breezes crept over the shimmering water
Clear to the bottom, invaded by the sea of tiny, glittering fish
The sunlight became a strident blare more penetrating than before.
The sand, swaying in the fierce light.

This is an island.